
Website: Frederick Douglass Global Fellowship

Campus Contact: Roger Adkins, Executive Director of Global Education

The program explores the impact that …

12+ Fellowship Program

“With guided oversight from 12+ headquarters, Fellows are commissioned to create a college-going culture within our PLUS Center. Fellows are …

PTCAS: Physical Therapist Centralized Application Service

PTCAS, the physical therapist centralized application service provided by APTA, allows you to apply to multiple physical therapist education programs …

PTCAS: Quick Start Guide

Ready to apply? Check out this step-by-step guide that covers starting your application, filling out your application, sending your official …

3+1 education program: Two degrees in four years

Earlham College offers a distinctive 3+1 education program where you can earn both a Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) degree and …

The law and social justice applied minor provides an understanding of the role of law in the quest for social …

Each year two Earlham students or groups are awarded a $10,000 prize to pursue a peace project during the summer …

Below are listed funds restricted to or giving preference to Friends, which award grants to individuals or Friends organizations. If …